Slides from the 2013 AEA professional development workshop: Introduction to Outcome Mapping: A framework for considering complexity, relationships and context in monitoring and evaluating social change
aea slides for sharing1.pptx
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The strengths (and limitations) of both instruments to help an evaluator provide evaluative thinking to support innovation when there is no tried and tested solution for a problem. #developmentalevaluation #OutcomeHarvesting #OutcomeMapping
OM and OH for DE PRINT, AEA 18 Oct 2013, pptx.pdf
Grounded in people-centered, complexity-aware understandings of planning, monitoring and evaluation, Outcome Mapping processes can be leveraged by K-12 teachers, evaluators, and teacher educators to provide information beyond external evaluation initiatives with the aim of building organizational capacity and increasing teacher agency. The panelist will share experiences and reflect on the possibilities of using Outcome Mapping enriched internal evaluation practices in Los Angeles, California middle school environments that serve low-income, gifted, and English language learner students. In particular, the panelist will focus on experiences of integrating Outcome Mapping learning activities so that the collaborative and participatory foundations of the discipline of education are maintained while compliance with curriculum or accreditation evaluation standards is achieved
This session illustrates innovations in the Most Significant Change methodology and outcome mapping and invites discussion and reflection on the unique ways in which participatory evaluation is both well suited to and poses challenges for evaluating youth programming in international contexts
Participatory storytelling_MSC_video eval for youth projects.pdf
This paper describes the use of the Outcome Harvesting approach to evaluate a global voluntary network. It is the second paper published as part of the BetterEvaluation writeshop series. The authors are Kornelia Rassmann, Richard Smith, John Mauremootoo and Ricardo Wilson-Grau. The reviewers...
Materials shared in the session at the 2013 Conference session on the World Bank Institute's approach to results management. The panel includes a conceptual introduction to the Capacity Development and Results Framework, an exploration of the World Bank Institute's results management cycle and...
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This paper advocates for the creation of an overall evaluation plan— or “evaluation system” — for all nonprofit organization programs. Such an evaluation plan would aim to build the capacity of nonprofit organizations implementing social programs by enabling them to learn from their experience,...
The powerpoint and background material for the session entitled Fitting the Key to the Lock. It includes the powerpoint, the full set of handouts plus one page descriptions of the methods. The questions themselves are a work in progress and feedback very welcome #complex #Systems ...
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A tool for identifying and understanding results in complex circumstances #Complexity #MonitoringandEvaluation #OutcomeHarvesting
AEA 2013 Outcome Harvesting PRINT.pptx
Papers and presentations from the session: Systems Perspectives on Using Logic Models to Improve Evaluation Quality Panel Session 663 #SystemsinEvaluation #model #2010Conference #logframe #Systems #program #TheoriesofEvaluation #Logic
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See matching library entry files - Davies) Each level in a logframe can be associat...