The Denver Art Museum (DAM) has made a strong commitment to attract and engage Denver’s diverse Latino community. Despite the community’s considerable size, the audience demographic figures are only a small fraction of the general audience. CelebrARTE, the DAM’s bilingual, intergenerational...
Listening to Latino Visitors - Enriquez-Salazar-Nielsen Oct 18-2014.pdf
AEA 2010 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 12, 2010. Session #511. Utilizing Evaluation Methods to Provide Quality Health Care Services to Underserved Populations. This presentation describes the challenges associated with evaluating a Spanish soap opera aired in Colorado in 2009. ...
Evaluation of Entertainment-Education Interventions.pdf
Session #889, Challenges and Promises for Using Mixed Methods: Lessons from Implementing Mixed Methods Evaluation. San Antonio, Texas, November 13, 2010. This presentation describes the results of the evaluation of an entertainment-education intervention targeting the Spanish-speaking community...
Encrucijada - evaluation results.pdf
Presentation Abstract: Prochaska’s Transtheoretical Model, also known as the Stages of Change Model, commonly used to develop interventions in the health promotion field, was used as a framework to evaluate an entertainment-education intervention targeting the healthy eating and active living...
AEA 2012 - Enriquez M presentation - October 25 2012 - FINAL.pdf