Session #889, Challenges and Promises for Using Mixed Methods: Lessons from Implementing Mixed Methods Evaluation. San Antonio, Texas, November 13, 2010. This presentation describes the results of the evaluation of an entertainment-education intervention targeting the Spanish-speaking community of Colorado. Funded by the Colorado Health Foundation, “Encrucijada: Sin Salud No Hay Nada” (Crossroads: There Is Nothing Without Health), was a twelve 30-minute episodes TV miniseries that aired in a Spanish TV network in Colorado from spring to fall of 2009. The evaluation of this intervention used a mixed methodology that included analysis of primary and secondary data. The evaluation found Encrucijada to be a highly successful intervention with statistically significant increase in disease management behaviors, healthy living behaviors, and behaviors seeking enrollment in public health insurance. The results of this evaluation are being used for decision-making purposes to possibly continue funding and/or expansion of this project.#TVinterventions #Latinos #Entertainment-Education #2010Conference #MixedMethodsEvaluation #Health-behaviors #MultiethnicIssuesinEvaluation #Public-Health-Insurance #HealthEvaluation