Yuqi Wang from Innovation Network will provide an overview of each tool; show how these tools can aid data collection, analysis, and communication of findings in real time; and lessons learned from Innovation Network’s experiences with these three tools during the evaluation process
Fine is the founder of Innovation Network, a nonprofit dedicated to transforming evaluation for social change
PowerPoint. Identifies principles of real-time evaluation and methods that emphasize timing, flexibility, and responsiveness. #Evaluation2009 #AdvocacyandPolicyChange #2009Conference #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - Unique Methods in Advocacy Evaluation 1 Unique M...
These are the slides from our Ignite session at AEA. In the nonprofit world, evaluation and accountability are closely linked. Much of the evaluation work that takes place is motivated, at least in part, by a desire to meet the requirements of funders, who hope to use evaluation results to...
AEA Who Sets the Nonprofit Evaluation Agenda? Taylor Liadsky.pdf
#InternalEvaluation #capacity-building #HealthEvaluation #2014Conference #CDCEvaluationFramework #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #GovernmentEvaluation #HowTo
See matching library entry files - issue=7&tool=9 Innovation Network...
In recent years, the role of evaluators in the not-for-profit sector has changed. Increased delivery of social services, government initiatives and associated demands for reporting and accountability have created the need for nonprofits to build internal capacity for program evaluation. As...
See matching library entry files - Washington, DC: Innovation Network...
Many programs fail to start with a clear description of the program and its intended outcomes, undermining both program planning and evaluation efforts. The logic model, as a map of what a program is and intends to do, is a useful tool for clarifying objectives, improving the relationship...
3 attachments
See matching library entry files - Intro to Program Evaluation for PH Programs—A Se...
Session Description: A host of visual aids are in use in planning and evaluation. This session will introduce you to some of the most popular ones—with an emphasis on flow charts, logic models, project network diagrams, and logframes. We’ll review the content and format of each one and then...
Session Description: This workshop will provide an overview of program evaluation for Institute participants with some, but not extensive, prior background in program evaluation. The session will be organized around the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) six-step Framework for...
PI2-Intro to Eval-2010 Institute--APT.pdf
PDF of the Evaluation 2009 Program, sans covers due to size, as it went to print. #2009Conference #Communications #program #Evaluation2009 #Communications #Conference