TIG Leadership

Please feel free to contact any one of us with your ideas for addressing the needs of the membership, potential meeting topics, or if you interested in getting more involved in the LOP TIG.


Theodore Theoharis
Theo Squared, LLC
Brooklyn, NY USA

Theodore "Teddy" Theoharis | LinkedIn

Email: teddy@theosquared.com

Co-Chair- currently open

Outgoing Chair

Alissa L. Jones
Wilder Research & University of Minnesota- Twin Cities
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN USA

Alissa L. Jones | LinkedIn

Email: alissaj@umn.edu


Program Chair 

Abdulsamad Humaidan
Southern Illinois University and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaigne
Carbondale, IL USA

Abdulsamad Humaidan | LinkedIn

Email: humaidanabdulsamad@siu.edu

Program Co-Chair

Eva Maria Chavez
Promesa Boyle Heights
Los Angeles, CA USA

Eva Maria Chavez | LinkedIn

Email: evamchavez@gmail.com

Outgoing Program Chair

Sue Ann Sarpy
Sarpy & Associates, LLC
Charlottesville, VA USA


Communications Chair

Christine Murphy,

Christine Murphy, MA | LinkedIn