

Welcome to the Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Thematic Interest Group (DRG TIG)!

The DRG TIG is a community of monitoring and evaluation specialists who work within the sector of Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance.  The interventions we work to evaluate and support focus on the promotion and support of human rights, freedom and democratic governance around the world.  This TIG website is meant to serve as a forum for communication, learning, mutual support and professional development among members of the TIG as well as those interested in understanding the successes, challenges and lessons learned from evaluation of DRG programs and policies.

DG TIG Resources

Some of the TIG's common topics of discussion and interaction might include:

  • New trends in M&E and how they might be applied to our sector
  • Best practices for evaluation of DRG programs
  • Common challenges and advice on how to work around them

Check in on the DRG TIG's website for:

  • Announcements 
  • Call for proposals and details related to proposals sought by the TIG
  • An overview of the 2022 AEA conference program
  • Member profiles
  • Upcoming activities supported by the DRG TIG

About the DRG TIG

The Democracy and Governance TIG was started in 2015 to provide a “TIG home” to evaluators working in the democracy support space broadly understood.  The more than fifty evaluators who supported the new TIG within AEA felt that this was needed to reflect that specialized complex challenges, approaches and methods used and innovated by the community of democracy and governance practitioners within the broader international development community.  The DRG TIG has continued to grow and now boasts almost 150 members.  The DRG TIG doubled in size by 2019 and increased another 50% by 2022.  Nearly one in five DRG TIG members are from countries outside the U.S.

The DRG TIG Supports Learning and Scholarship. In 2017, the DRG TIG started contributing to the AEA365 A Tip-a-Day by and for Evaluators by sponsoring a blog week around DRG innovations. In 2020, the DRG TIG launched a Twitter Account @AeaDrg which boasts 80 followers. Former DRG Chair Alysson Oakley has edited a special forthcoming 2022/2023 issue of New Directions in Evaluation which includes contributions by DRG members and practitioners.

The Founding Co-Chairs included Rebekah Usatin, Elizabeth (Liz) Ruedy, and Andrew Green.  The Bylaws of the TIG were adopted at the first business meeting held during the Annual American Evaluation Association  in 2015 based upon a draft prepared by Denise Baer. 

In the original by-laws adopted in 2015 at the AEA conference, the TIG purposes were to:

  1. Provide a forum for discussion and collaboration for democracy and governance evaluation in both the public and private sectors of society;
  2. Promote professional development among democracy and governance practitioners and evaluators;
  3. Provide an organized means of raising issues to the leadership of the AEA, including the Evaluation Policy Committee;
  4. Play a major role in annual AEA conference programming and coordination, including organizing and sponsoring conference sessions, through soliciting presentations and refereeing submitted proposals, and serving as strong supporters of and contributors to the Presidential Strand;
  5. Enhance evaluation understanding and practice; and
  6. Provide opportunities for collaboration and work to disseminate and discuss best practices.

In 2020, the name of the TIG was officially changed (July 30, 2020) from Democracy and Governance to Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) TIG.  The bylaws were also updated through an online vote and virtual meeting.  These changes, initiated following the 2019 AEA DRG TIG business meeting, lacked a quorum.  Changes adopted included expanding the TIG officers to include a Communications Chair, creating ex officio positions for the most recent Chair and Co-Chair, and clarified processes for amendments to the TIG operating procedures.

The name change was to ensure that the TIG home was welcoming to those working primarily in rights-based entities or on the evaluation of human rights projects (e.g., projects that are primarily rights-based (e.g., human rights advocacy campaigns, human rights education/training and others). Adding “human rights” to the formal name reflects  the varied ways in which democracy and governance work is based on an implicit recognition of how treating citizens with respect is the foundation of democratic governance. Evaluators working in the democracy support and democracy promotion community of practice place the human person and self-determination at the center of the analysis. While not all DRG TIG evaluators represent organizations or governmental agencies or donors who are rights-based entities, in our practice, we do support democracy as a value.  As such, we all implicitly support human rights as often known by other names such as “empowerment” and “good governance,” or perhaps work on specific “rights” (e.g., the rule of law or the right to information or freedom to associate among others). Even others work in the humanitarian sector where thinking about good governance in formal terms of “duty bearers” and “rights holders” distinctions holds less sway. Thus, while the name change does not mean adherence to an integrated human rights model, all of us respect the role of accountability to affected populations and their own agency and self-determination in leading change and reform initiatives.  As a result, while some of do work on dialogues between citizens and government, most of us work at the “demand-side” (e.g., working with civil society and the private sector) to support responsive governance.

Operating Guidelines of American Evaluation Association
Democracy, Human Rights & Governance (DRG)
Topical Interest Group (TIG)
As Revised July 30, 2020 and
Adopted at the 2015 Annual Business Meeting
NOTE:  AEA guidelines and operating policies are the main, parent TIG operating guidelines for AEA Topical Interest Groups.



The name of this group is called the Democracy, Human Rights and Governance TIG (DEMTIG)



Section 1. The mission of the Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Topical Interest Group exists to provide a forum and community of support for the practice of evaluation of democracy and governance.  Democracy, human rights and governance programs seek to promote transparency, accountability and openness by fostering human rights, rule of law, independent media and other essential democratic institutions, including civil society and representative institutions.  Because democratic governance programs often occur in the context of transitioning political systems, and places with limited and constrained political space, they have unique evaluation needs.  The Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Topical Interest Group (TIG) within the American Evaluation Association (AEA) was launched in 2014 to reflect the shared needs and interests of academics and practitioners, donors and implementers, evaluators and those being evaluated.

The purpose of this Democracy and Governance Topical Interest Group (TIG) is to:

  1. Provide a forum for discussion and collaboration for democracy and governance evaluation in both the public and private sectors of society;
  2. Promote professional development among democracy and governance practitioners and evaluators;
  3. Provide an organized means of raising issues to the leadership of the AEA, including the Evaluation Policy Committee;
  4. Play a major role in annual AEA conference programming and coordination, including organizing and sponsoring conference sessions, through soliciting presentations and refereeing submitted proposals, and serving as strong supporters of and contributors to the Presidential Strand;
  5. Enhance evaluation understanding and practice; and
  6. Provide opportunities for collaboration and work to disseminate and discuss best practices.



Section 1. Eligibility. Any individual member of the American Evaluation Association interested in the purposes of the Democracy and Governance TIG shall be eligible for membership.  By joining the TIG, members express their support for the mission of the TIG as outlined in Article II, Section 1.  Membership in the TIG may only be established by joining through the AEA website.


Section 2. Rights. All members have the right to vote for officers and on other official matters of the Democracy and Governance TIG and to hold office if duly elected, and to receive all notifications pertaining to the official business of the Democracy and Governance TIG. 


Section 1. Time and Place of Meetings. Meetings of the membership shall be held at any suitable place (physical or virtual) convenient to the membership as may be designated by the Democracy, Human Rights and Governance TIG Officers. The Annual Business Meeting for revision of the bylaws and election of officers will be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the AEA.   The Democracy, Human Rights and Governance TIG Officers may call special business meetings by properly notifying the members. Bylaws may be amended at that time, provided amendments receive the necessary support specified in Article IX through votes submitted electronically or in writing. Bylaws will then take effect following the annual business meeting.

Section 2. Notice of Meetings. At least ten (10) days in advance thereof the Board shall notify each member of any business meeting. Notification of the annual meeting shall be electronically mailed at least thirty (30) days in advance.

Section 3. Annual Meeting. An annual meeting shall be held each year for the purpose of electing officers, reviewing the annual financial report, and amending the By-Laws if proposed.

Section 4. Quorum. Those members present at the business meetings of the membership shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5. Voting. Each member present at any meeting shall have one vote. Members may also submit votes electronically or in writing if they are unable to be present. Written votes must have the member’s signature and electronic votes must have a personal identification.



Section 1. Number and Qualifications. The affairs of the Democracy and Governance TIG shall be conducted by an eight-member Board consisting of a Chair, Co-Chair, Program Chair, Program Co-Chair,   Outreach and Communications Chair, and a Chair and Co-Chair ex officio. Following the election of new officers, the new officers will be named [OFFICER]-elect until January 1 of the following year when they will assume the regular position and the officers whose elected term has ended will become [Offficer]-ex officio. All officers must be current members of the AEA and the Democracy and Governance TIG.

Section 2. Governing Powers. The officers shall have all the powers and duties necessary or appropriate for the administration of affairs of the Democracy and Governance TIG or as directed by members. The duties of the Board shall include:

  1. Carrying out any necessary business of the Association between the general meetings.
  2. Determining the substance and membership of the Standing and Special Committees of the Democracy and Governance TIG as representatives from the TIG to the AEA. The officers will monitor the activities of all Committees and provide for periodic reports on their activities to the membership.
  3. Authorizing any matters to be submitted to a vote of the general membership of the Democracy and Governance TIG including election of officers. The officers will receive and consider petitions from the membership for matters to be submitted to a vote of the general membership of the Association; any such petition signed by fifteen (15) percent of the current membership makes submission of the issue to the membership mandatory upon the officers.

Section 3. Term of Office. The Chair, Co-Chair, Program Chair and Program Co-Chair are elected by the membership. Each elected position within the Democracy and Governance TIG Board is a two-year term. The outgoing Chair and Co-Chair will serve in an ex officio and advisory capacity. For two positions, there is a rotation after one year, with the Program Chair and Program Co-Chair assuming the Chair and Co-Chair positions, respectively. The procedure for election of officers shall be as set forth in Article VI, Section 2. The term of office generally shall be from Annual Business Meeting held at the AEA in even years to the next Annual Business Meeting of the second year.  The Outreach and Communications Chair will be elected at the Annual Business Meeting, through electronic election, or chosen by the elected officers from applications submitted by Association members and will serve a two-year term.


Section 4. Duties of Officers

  1. Chair. The Chair shall act as the chief executive officer of the Democracy and Governance TIG and shall have all the general powers and duties which are usually vested in this office including; preside at all business meetings, serve as Chair of meeting, appoint all committees in consultation with other officers, and have general responsibility for the conduct of the affairs of the Democracy and Governance TIG.


  1. Co-Chair. The Co-Chair will assist the Chair in conducting the business of the Democracy and Governance TIG and preside in the Chair’s absence.  The Co-Chair shall keep minutes of Board meetings and other meetings as requested by the Chair, keep a file of the proceedings at business and verify elections and handle other correspondence as needed, unless the current Secretary is running for re-election, in which case the Past-Chair shall verify elections instead.

  2. Program Chair and Co-Chair. The Program Chair and Co-Chair shall plan the section panels, roundtables and other sessions at each meeting of the AEA, including identification of volunteer reviewers.  To ensure continuity and transfer of knowledge/experience in planning for the AEA conference, the Program Chair and Co-Chair will assume the Chair and Co-Chair positions, respectively, at the end of the first year of their term.

  3. Outreach and Communications. The Outreach and Communications Chair will coordinate communications and in-person member activities throughout the year, edit and publish materials to the Democracy and Governance website, including notices, resource materials, and recruit and manage submissions to the AEA360 TIG blog week.


Section 5. Vacancies. If any position of the officers becomes vacant, the officers will appoint a member of the Association to serve in that position until the next general election.  Non-elected vacancies may remain vacant at the discretion of the Board.

Section 6. Removal of Officers. At any meeting of officers, any one or more of the officers may be removed with cause by a vote of five other officers. A successor officer may then and there be appointed by the remaining Board members to fill the vacancy thus created.

Section 7. Meetings. Democracy and Governance TIG officers shall meet at least twice a year. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by at least three other officers, in writing, on three (3) days' notice, if practical, to each Board member, which notice shall state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. All meetings of officers shall be open to the membership except for those times when the Board will discuss matters involving personal privacy.


Section 8. Quorum. At all meetings of the Board, a simple majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business including voting.


Section 1. Designations and Qualifications. The elected officers of the Democracy and Governance TIG shall be a Chair, a Co-Chair, a Program Chair and a Program Co-Chair and an Outreach and Communications Chair. Each officer must be a current member of the American Evaluation Association and the Democracy and Governance TIG.

Section 2. Election of Officers.
 Elections will take place every year at the annual meeting. Candidates shall declare their intention to run for either the Program Chair or Program Co-Chair position, with the understanding that, if elected, they will assume the Chair and Co-Chair positions, respectively.

  1. Nominees for open officer positions may be recruited by a nominating committee composed of three DG TIG members appointed by the and presented as a slate through the Annual Business Meeting notification. OR ALTERNATIVELY
  2. Candidates shall declare their intention to run in a written communication to the Board Chair no later than 10 calendar days preceding the annual meeting. The Board Chair shall confirm receipt of said communication and ensure that every candidate appears on the written and/or electronic ballot. OR
  3. Nominations may be taken from the floor during the Annual Business Meeting. OR
  4. A nominating committee is approved at the Annual Business Meeting to be followed with an electronic vote by the members within 45 days on the nominated slate of officers.
  5. Voting will be by written or electronic ballot, unless there is one and only one nomination for each vacant position. In that case, a vote may be taken by voice acclamation. Voting may take place at the annual meeting, or by mail or electronically, in accordance with Article IV, Section 2. The Co-Chair will in turn be responsible for verifying the ballots, protecting the security of the ballots, obtaining independent corroboration of the ballot counts, and reporting the results to the membership.
  6. The candidate for each office receiving the largest number of votes will be considered elected. In the case of tie, the officers will select the officer from the tied candidates.



Section 1. Special Committees. Special Committees may be formed for fixed periods of time for specific purposes as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board.



Section 1. Amendments. These By-Laws may be amended by written affirmation of two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting on the proposed change. Amendments may be proposed by the officers or by petition to the officers by fifteen percent (15%) of the membership of the Democracy, Human Rights and Governance TIG and they will be submitted to the entire membership for vote no later than the next general election.  The TIG leadership may call an emergency meeting to vote on the By-Laws, whereby the amendments may be amended the same aforementioned written affirmation. Such amendment, if passed, will become effective after the business meeting following affirmation.

[1] AEA guidelines and operating policies are the main, parent TIG operating guidelines for AEA Topical Interest Groups.