The opening talk for Session 1990:The Design and Display of Qualitative Data and Information. The presentation includes definitions of visualizing qualitative data, some examples of how qualitative data and information have been represented in the recent past, and considerations for evaluators...
2016 AEA qual data viz presentation epublic library v2.pdf
Qualitative methodology offers evaluators opportunities to get involved with and understand data that other methods cannot (Bradbury-Jones, Taylor, & Herber, 2014). Within the field of evaluation, very few evaluators are cognizant of the different types of qualitative methodologies employed, and...
Below are slides and notes for my 2015 AEA presentation (hover over the comment icon in the upper left corner of the slides to read the notes). It explores how to maximize observational moments in evaluation. Abstract: Evaluators often participate in program meetings, view program activities,...
Henderson 2015 AEA intentional observation.pdf
CIFF seeks a researcher to conduct a learning review of a diarrhea treatment program that the Micronutrient Initiative and the Government of Bihar conducted from 2010-2015. Please see TOR and annexes for more information. Contact Ms. Shilpa Chawla ( with any questions. ...
3 attachments
Presentation by Bakken, Ross and Olson at AEA 2014. The presenters describe the findings from the first phase of an evaluation study designed to determine the contributions of a Morbidity, Mortality and Improvement Conference to changes in clinical practice and improvements in patient care at...
Presentation #2 FINAL - For AEA Web Site.pptx
#culture #2014Conference #eval14 #GraduateStudentandNewEvaluators #QualitativeMethods
Child Labor.pdf
Qualitative data analysis software (QDAS) is an increasingly popular tool for managing and analyzing data from focus groups, interviews, document reviews and other qualitative data sources. This checklist and accompanying slides on optimizing QDAS for use in evaluation were presented at AEA...
2 attachments
This document contains background, instructions, and facilitation steps for conducting a participatory qualitative data analysis process as demonstrated and discussed at Eval 2014 conference session 1817, entitled "A Foolproof Technique for Participatory Qualitative Data Analysis." ...
Participatory Qualitative Analysis Facilitation Guide and Sample Workshop Questions.pdf
Focus groups are an important and useful qualitative research method for evaluators to have in their toolbox. Many resources exist to help evaluators learn various tricks of the trade for organizing and moderating focus groups as well as analyzing the data retrieved. However, there is limited...
AEA_Actionable Focus Group Data_Henderson.pdf
This one-pager was shared during the AEA 2014 Evaluation Conference roundtable entitled "Using Qualitative Methods to Conduct a Culturally Responsive Evaluation of the American Cancer Society’s Partnering for Life Toolkit Program for African American Churches in the South". #2014Conference ...
C:\Users\25895\Documents\AEA Conference_Final Handout.pdf