Below are slides and notes for my 2015 AEA presentation (hover over the comment icon in the upper left corner of the slides to read the notes). It explores how to maximize observational moments in evaluation. Abstract: Evaluators often participate in program meetings, view program activities, perform site visits, and lead focus groups---all of these activities can be enhanced by observational methods. The challenge, however, is that these "observational moments" can be taken-for-granted, undervalued, or overlooked and opportunities for a better understanding of a program can be missed. In this presentation, I suggest expanding the use of observational methods and encourage evaluators to consider intentional observational strategies throughout an evaluation. Drawing on experience observing in health education settings, I highlight tips and strategies for 1) thinking about and preparing for effective and efficient observations (pre-observation), 2) conducting observations for different purposes (active observation), and 3) analyzing, writing up and presenting observational notes (post-observation).#observationalmethods #QualitativeMethods #2015Conference #mindfulevaluation