
Youth Focused Evaluation

A Topical Interest Group for Evaluation About Youth, for Youth, and with Youth

The purpose of the Youth Focused Evaluation TIG is to create an inclusive and participatory space for all evaluators (adult and youth) that focuses attention on the practices and outcomes of positive youth development and participatory approaches across informal and formal contexts. The YFE-TIG speaks to youth and adult evaluators' unique needs by promoting the development and use of tools and methods leading to practical and transformative outcomes for young people. Ultimately, we want to support more profound youth informed or led evaluation and decision-making.

The YFE-TIG supports youth and adult researchers and evaluators to build best practices and methods related to:

  • Youth/adult professional development
  • Enhanced program quality
  • Improved measurement
  • Research ethics education
  • Youth participation in AEA and YFE TIG
  • Co-creation of a knowledge exchange community, and
  • Elevating and amplifying youth voice and power