The Building Informal Science Education (BISE) project coded 520 evaluation reports posted to The poster familiarizing people with the project and our freely available resources. The resources include: 1) a coding framework for informal education evaluation reports, 2) an NVivo database with 520 reports that are coded based on our framework, 3) a spreadsheet that provides an additional way to search the coded reports, 4) a file with all the reports included in the database, 5) an Endnote library with citation information for all of the reports, and 7) an online community where people can find BISE synthesis papers and engage in conversations around the BISE database, findings, and implications for evaluation. These resources are relevant to a wide variety of evaluators, even those that don’t carry out evaluations of informal learning projects. Here you will find our poster, the BISE Coding Framework, and one of our synthesis papers. Access the rest of our freely available resources and papers at #YouthFocusedEvaluation #EnvironmentalProgramEvaluation #ArtsCultureandAudiences #evaluationreports #Informallearning #Reporting #2015Conference #ResearchonEvaluation #STEMEducationandTraining