The purpose of this checklist is to provide support for program evaluators who design, develop, implement, and disseminate evaluations. This checklist is designed to assist the evaluator to include all individuals in the evaluation process; people of all ages and all abilities. To do this, evaluators are encouraged to use the seven principles of Universal Design1. “Universal design asks from the outset how to make the design work beautifully and seamlessly for as many people as possible. It seeks to consider the breadth of human diversity across the lifespan to create design solutions that work for all users”. This checklist is best implemented during the planning phase of the evaluation project in order to ensure full participation for all populations.#DisabilitiesandOtherVulnerablePopulations #vulnerablepopulations #GovernmentEvaluation #underrepresentation #HowTo #disability #2009Conference #Checklist #hardtoreachpopulations #TheoriesofEvaluation #aging #2011Conference #CulturalCompetence #WebinarSeries #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #Instruments #IndigenousPeoplesinEvaluation #DiversityandInclusion #2010Conference #Universaldesign #TeachingofEvaluation #MultiethnicIssuesinEvaluation #AERA