The LAAMPP Institute (Leadership and Advocacy to Advance Minnesota’s Parity for Priority Populations) is a culturally-tailored leadership program, designed to train and mobilize leaders from Minnesota’s priority populations to implement tobacco control interventions and policies. LAAMPP is implemented by Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment, Advocacy and Leadership (APPEAL) and funded by ClearWay MinnesotaSM and the Minnesota Department of Health. Social Network Analysis was used to examine LAAMPP Fellows’ personal networks to evaluate LAAMPP’s success at expanding their networks and connections. Networks were examined by individual Fellow and in aggregate for the five LAAMPP cohorts (African Immigrant-African American, Asian American Pacific Islander, American Indian, Chicano/Latino, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender). Baseline network data was collected at the start of the Institute and 18 months later after the Capstone. This presentation describes the decision-making and question development process of the network analysis and present baseline and follow up results. #SocialNetworkAnalysis #2014Conference