This poster summarizes the overall process and present findings of a 5-year research project that included the development and testing of the Systems Evaluation Protocol (SEP) for developing evaluation plans. This research was a Phase II correlational study designed to assess the efficacy of the SEP and its accompanying Netway cyberinfrastructure in building evaluation capacity and developing high-quality evaluation plans. The use of the SEP builds evaluation capacity at all levels of a system, encourages integration of program evaluation into program management, and promotes the integration of research and practice. Research questions included looking at program models and evaluation plan quality, evaluation capacity, and attitudes toward evaluation. Most program staff who used the SEP to plan their evaluation requested additional training and support to implement their plans and to analyze and use their findings. Consequently, the project extended the SEP to address evaluation implementation and utilization. #SystemsinEvaluation #ExtensionEducationEvaluation #ResearchonEvaluation #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #2014Conference