Distinguishing between performance management (PM) and program evaluation (PE) often presents challenges for program directors. The relationship between PM and PE also continues to perplex the evaluator as well, many of whom are now being asked to complete both, often simultaneously. Through a case study of a Los Angeles-based juvenile offender reentry program, the demonstration will guide the audience through the step-by-step process of 1) using data to assess needs and develop the program, 2) creating a logic model and outcome measures that correspond to a data collection and reporting process, 3) designing an appropriate data collection and management system for performance management, and 4) providing examples of how the data can be used for both implementation and other quasi-experimental methods. This discussion will further the audience's knowledge regarding the specific differences and similarities between PM and PE and how to set-up a PM system that best enables PE.#2013Conference #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance