Evaluation of peer-teacher instructional coaching in K-6 rural schools is conducted by focusing on the effect of coaching on teacher coaches, coached teachers, and school culture. Following a multilevel evaluation design, findings are obtained from applying qualitative methods such as: teacher and principal interviews, content analysis of coach logs and participant questionnaires, and coaches focus groups. Guided by the premises of grounded theory these analyses provide three main emerging themes related to instructional coaching dynamics: 1) motive for teachers partnership (coach-coached relation); 2) definition of coach-coached roles; and 3) coaching styles. In turn, coach-coached dynamics are analyzed in the framework of professional learning communities in order to elicit their impact on school culture. This work contributes to a theory of evaluation entrenched in the notion of evaluation as knowledge construction to identify areas of change and guide process accountability. #2013Conference #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #TeacherLeadership