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Needs Chain Model  

11-12-2010 04:35

An individual’s needs change over time, and the needs could be unstable or vary continuously due to other hidden or unconscious needs. Organizations or companies have goals or objectives that are expected to be achieved in a specific period, but these organizations might not consider all stakeholders’ needs in their management systems. Thus, neglecting or omitting both the individuals’ and company’s needs could harm and cause organizations problems in terms of not selecting the appropriate solution for the target people. This paper focuses on the need assessments for determining, designing, developing, or conducting an intervention or training program for an organization. It also highlights the importance of evaluating most of the individuals’ and company’s needs at one time through the use of a new, simple logic model called “Needs Chain Model” (NCM).

#NeedsAssessment #TheoriesofEvaluation #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance #EvaluationUse #2010Conference

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Uploaded - 11-12-2010