Where do evaluation and evaluative thinking show up in an 'organizational learning culture'? This presentation from AEA 2001 looks at the three different levels of organizational culture and asks, Where does evaluation fit into the concept of the learning organization? And, What have we learned from the research on organizational culture change that can help us figure out how best to embed evaluative thinking, evaluative practice, and evaluation systems, policies and tools into mainstream organizational life? One of the most downloaded from my own website, so I am sharing it here as well in case it's of interest. More info at http://davidsonconsulting.co.nz #evaluative #Communications #EvaluationManagersandSupervisors #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #mainstreaming #organizational-capacity-building #Communications #EvaluationUse #ResearchonEvaluation #organizational-learning #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance