How do we learn from exemplars? What counts as an exemplar (a model to be followed strictly, an inspiration, a typical case, or a cautionary tale?)? How do we identify, document and analyse them? How do we translate lessons from them into different contexts? This session demonstrates ways of learning from exemplars, drawing on the experiences of BetterEvaluation, an international free-access collaborative platform for learning about evaluation methods and processes across disciplines, sectors, regions and organizations. In addition to curating existing resources, it generates new material, especially identifying and documenting examples of good practice and developing guidance, and supports users to make good use of these examples and guidance and to apply them appropriately to their particular situation. The session will present some examples of exemplars, in particular a series of cases developed through a virtual writeshop process, and the processes used to develop them and support learning from them.#OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #ResearchonEvaluation #Eval15 #TeachingofEvaluation