ILO- IPEC independent section manages evaluations of project that aiming to strengthen national capacities for the elimination of child labour. This paper proposes a reflection about key current factors to consider when developing project evaluations in Latin America, based on its recent experience in the region. Factors discussed include: a) Openness and interest of national and local stakeholders to participate in the evaluation process, reflected into analysis of draft TORs and evaluation report and in quality of their participation in final workshop; b) Independence of the evaluation process; c) Projects have limited capacities for solid M&E focus on evidence-based results; d) Weaknesses and strengths of projects M&E systems ; e) Difficulties to capture the project development and results from government stakeholders due to their high turnover ; and f) In projects covering several countries the budget for independent evaluation is too small for a more complex environment than one country. #2013Conference #EvaluationManagersandSupervisors #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval