Aroha Philanthropies' initiative, Seeding Vitality Arts, aims to strengthen a movement to change the narrative on aging from being focused on decline to recognizing older adults' potential for growth and desire to be challenged, by expanding high quality arts education programs for people ages 55 and up. The initiative includes an evaluation component with features chosen for their movement-building relevance. This paper, co-authored by the initiative evaluator and program officer, tells the story of this initiative and its evaluation, to show how evaluation can contribute to a movement with attitudinal, organizational and systemic dimensions: the evaluation generates evidence of program benefits, equips program coordinators to be movement leaders, helps to strengthen networks of field-building pioneers, and enables the story of creative aging to be told powerfully through multiple voices with compelling evidence. This paper was presented at AEA 2019 on Nov. 15, 2019, 10:30-11:15 a.m., in the session called "Equity, Place and the Arts: Roles of Funders and Evaluation in Creating Lasting Change in Philanthropy," sponsored by the Nonprofits and Foundations TIG. The presentation slide deck used by Scheie and Lewis in the session is also included. #Eval19 #2019Conference