In building evaluation capacity within institutions of higher education, I find it useful to explain essential front-end evaluation planning using a simplified graphic that captures components of an iterative process. In academic settings where research and assessment of student learning outcomes are key considerations, evaluation planning is often overlooked or ignored. Rather, investigators may simply start collecting data without a plan. They are often caught off guard when the time comes to submit a grant proposal. Hurriedly, they often look for ways to patch together an evaluation plan. Afterwards, they come to understand their questions were not answered by data collected. The good news is there are many ways to design an evaluation in educational settings. This Evaluation Planning Framework helps “would-be evaluators” understand what may be described a dynamic and collaborative process. For each planning phase, basic elements to consider are illustrated. A “birds-eye view” of front-end evaluation planning averts the rush to measurement or “garbage-in garbage-out” (GIGO) phenomenon. Investigator’s come to understand at a glance that front-end planning saves time by focusing at the outset with a clear description; as well as conceptualization; articulation of purpose; which in turn, informs overarching evaluation question(s) that set the stage for the evaluation’s design and respective evaluation plan that guides it to completion. #EvaluationPlanning #HowTo