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Eval2015 Session 1442: Principles in Practice—Stakeholder Engagement in Multisite Evaluations  

12-01-2015 09:31

Presentation 4: Building the Capacity of the Capacity-Builders—Lessons from the Internal Evaluation of a Multistate Technical Assistance Program: The technical assistance program being evaluated operates using a capacity-building framework to provide high-quality, relevant, and useful capacity building technical assistance to state education agencies in four states. The goal of the capacity building technical assistance is to enhance specific capacities of state education agencies to implement education reform initiatives successfully in support of districts and schools. This mixed method evaluation is tasked with collecting not only outcome and process information for the funding agency, but user-friendly, relevant information that technical assistance providers can use to make mid-course changes and plan annual activities. In this session, the presenter will describe a process based on responsive evaluation (Stake, 1983) that his team used to build relationships with technical assistance providers, identify information needs, facilitate annual planning, and offer evaluation coaching services during program implementation. The presenter will describe lessons learned and offer suggestions for using such a process.

#Cluster,Multi-SiteandMulti-LevelEval #EvaluationUse #2015Conference

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Building the Capacity of the Capacity-Builders—Lessons from the Internal Evaluation of a Multistate Technical Assistance Program