Few organizations will deny that evaluation findings can help them improve outcomes, compete for funding, or plan strategically. Although there is a growing appreciation for evaluation within organizations, fluid relationships between evaluation and program planning are still challenging. In fact, many evaluations exist as static, point-in-time projects or evaluators work independently from program partners. As a result, findings may not be fully relevant to the organization. A strong relationship, effective systems and relevant tools are often necessary to build a well-integrated connection between evaluation and program planning within an organization. This session will demonstrate a case study of one particular program and outline strategies and key tools (such as quarterly dashboards) that help keep evaluation relevant and flowing in program planning. This demonstration will cover key strategies that helped facilitate relationship building and organizational thinking around the strategic use of data and evaluation. #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation #DataVisualizationandReporting #PresidentialStrand #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #2013Conference #InternalEvaluation