Despite exponential growth of charter schools and charter management organizations (CMOs), there is little research on how CMOs utilize social capital, the resources embedded in social systems (Daly & Finnigan, 2010). Using social network analysis (Cross, Borgatti, & Parker, 2002), this exploratory case study investigates how a CMO system employs resources to collaborate, use data, and share ideas for education reform. Study participants include CMO leadership and principals. Findings indicate that collaboration network was dense with dispersed expertise while data use and sharing ideas had sparsely centralized networks focused on a few individuals with disproportionate influence and few reciprocated ties. Principals were connected to each other in the periphery in collaboration network different from data use and sharing ideas. Reference: Uludag, A. (2013). Charter Management Organizations (CMO) and Charter School Relations: An Exploration of the Social Networks. Paper session presented at Evaluation 2013: Evaluation Practice in the 21st Century, the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Washington, DC. #ties #schoolchoice #schoolreform #social network analysis #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #SocialNetworkAnalysis #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #EvaluationUse #2013Conference