Quantitative data offers opportunities for numerical descriptions of populations and samples. The challenge is in knowing which analyses are best for a given situation. Designed for the practitioner needing a refresher course and/or guidance in applying quantitative methods to evaluation contexts, the workshop covers the basics of parametric and nonparametric statistics, as well as how to report your findings. Hands-on exercises and computer demonstrations interspersed with mini-lectures will introduce methods and concepts. The instructor will review examples of research and evaluation questions and the statistical methods appropriate to developing a quantitative data-based response. You will learn: The conceptual basis for a variety of statistical procedures; How more sophisticated procedures are based on the statistical basics; Which analyses are most applicable for a given data set or evaluation question; How to interpret and report findings from these analyses. Katherine McKnight applies quantitative analysis as Director of Program Evaluation for Pearson Achievement Solutions and is co-author of Missing Data: A Gentle Introduction (Guilford, 2007). Additionally, she teaches Research Methods, Statistics, and Measurement in Public and International Affairs at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.#quantitativemethods #Statistics #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #workshop #2012Conference