To ensure that evaluation facilitates rather than impedes progress, we used a multi-tier reporting strategy to support both confidentiality and analytical rigor as part of a multi-case study evaluation approach. -- Raul Martinez (Harder+Company), Fontane Lo (Harder+Company), David Dobrowski (First 5 Monterey County) Presentation Abstract: Multi-case study approach (MCS) is effective for interventions implemented across unique sites (Stakes, 2006), and can be particularly useful in evaluating capacity building programs. These programs can be tricky to evaluate due to varying baselines as well as site-specific goals, challenges, and opportunities. An interesting example is the individualized technical assistance (TA) provided by First 5 Monterey County (F5MC) to support quality child care in centers serving low-income and high-need families. F5MC sought to understand how TA supports quality child care and capture lessons learned. Their experience with MCS stands out because F5MC works in a number of rural communities with a tight network of early care providers, making confidentiality an utmost concern. To ensure that evaluation facilitates rather than impedes progress, we used a multi-tier reporting strategy to support both confidentiality and analytical rigor. The limitations and tradeoffs of MCS and different reporting strategies will be discussed.#confidentiality #multicasestudy #2012Conference #QualitativeMethods