This power point presentation was created for the following roundtable presentation, led by Dr. Andria Wisler and Dr. Ned Lazarus, at the AEA annual convention 2012. Abstract: This roundtable will be hosted by evaluation team members of the Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project (UELP), funded by the Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE), on “Linking Theory to Practice.” The 3-year project is being implemented at George Mason University and community college and rural college partners. It builds the capacity of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (CAR) pedagogy (both in a traditional classroom setting and abroad in post/conflict contexts) to enable the inter-disciplinary CAR field to improve undergraduates’ abilities for the workplace, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and perspective taking. We will present the project’s design, scope, and objectives as well as its evaluation plan, and the challenges and questions arising from its execution. The discussion will turn towards questions about how to most effectively and efficiently evaluate experiential learning in both the traditional setting of the classroom and the alternative setting of “the field.”#ExperientialLearning #Pedagogy #2012Conference #AssessmentinHigherEducation #ConflictResolution #ExperientialEducation