Fair Food Network completed an evaluation of its Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) incentive program for 2011. This report, part of a three-year evaluation, is assessing DUFB's effectiveness in leveraging federal SNAP resources to improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables for shoppers on federal food assistance while strengthening and diversifying farm economies. Presentation Abstract: Creating a food system that is healthy, green, fair, and affordable requires modifications in the complex world of practice at individual, institutional, and public policy levels. Fair Food Network is a national nonprofit that works at the intersection of food systems, sustainability and social equity to guarantee access to healthy, fresh and sustainably grown food, especially in underserved communities. Fair Food Network, and its partners have engaged evaluators to undertake a national cluster evaluation of multiple approaches that incentivize purchasing healthy, locally grown food. Using food systems as an example and the work of The Network, this plenary will challenge evaluators in all areas of focus. Whether you are interested in systems, government, K-12, collaborative and participatory focused, use-motivated, methods-driven, or are interest group specific, join this plenary to embrace approaches that empower practitioners to capture and utilize information in real time to inform policy decisions and evaluation thinking.#AdvocacyandPolicyChange #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #2012Conference #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #HealthyFoodIncentives