Multipaper Session Abstract: Extension faculty are pushed to find a better way, a new idea, and a working solution to the world’s most pressing problems. It is a large task, and one that is not accomplished without thought, prior planning, buy-in, and support from decision makers. One of extension administrators’ largest tasks, as they strive to create extension systems able to tackle the world’s most pressing problems, is developing, creating, updating, and implementing statewide strategic plans. The strategic planning process requires clearly defined objectives, identified measureable outcomes, and teams ready to fulfill the determined plan. State extension systems have attacked strategic planning in a myriad of ways, but research showing how evaluators can assist in the development and implementation process is lacking. The three papers in this multi-paper session examine a state’s strategic planning process from multiple angles exhibiting how evaluators can be used to assist in building a future for Extension.#returnoninvestment #delphi #strategicplanning #ExtensionEducationEvaluation #2012Conference