AEA 2012 Conference Poster Session Materials Poster Abstract: The conversational skills utilized in solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) lends itself very well to the realm of evaluation. Solution-focused questions are helpful when planning an evaluation, conducting interviews and focus groups, as well engaging in continuous improvement dialogues with staff from evaluated programs. This demonstration provides an overview of how solution focused skills have been utilized in the evaluation of three community-wide initiatives. Solution focused skills have been adopted outside of a therapeutic counseling context in education, case management and group work (Gaiswinker & Roessler, 2009; Macdonald, 2007 & Metcalf, 2008). This presentation extends solution focused skills even further and shows how they are useful in dialogues with stakeholders and interview respondents. The presenter will show how these skills are especially helpful in identifying and clarifying program theory and logic, promoting strengths-based program improvements, and obtaining rich qualitative data about program impacts and the interaction effects between interventions and participants.#HealthEvaluation #Communications #QualitativeMethods #solutionfocused #2012Conference