PowerPoint slides for our presentation at the 2011 AEA Conference, multi-paper session. In this paper/presentation we seek to increase the likelihood of successfully implementing programs by proposing simple, cost-effective process evaluation methodologies for estimating the chances of program failure. The process evaluation methodologies we propose, methodologies that include 'voice of the crowd' and 'future search,' have been adopted widely in decision making situations ranging from strategic planning to the mutual learning and acquisition of values. But despite their affinity to empowerment, collaborative and participatory evaluation, these methods have not been widely utilized either in formative or process assessments. We demonstrate the application and value of these methodologies through a case study of a hospital's ambulatory care program. #Newprocessevaluationmethdologies #programfailure #EvaluationUse #HumanServicesEvaluation #HealthEvaluation #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #HowTo #2011Conference