MISO (Maximizing the Impact of STEM Outreach through Data-driven Decision-Making) is a campus-wide project funded by the National Science Foundation, housed at North Carolina State University, a land-grant university. This project seeks to determine the collective STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) impact of the university through its pre-college outreach and extension programs. The MISO project team works to creatively integrate North Carolina’s longitudinal student and staff databases with an innovative approach to evaluation across NC State’s K-12 STEM education outreach programs, particularly those funded by the NSF. A critical part of this project is the longitudinal assessment of participant outcomes through development and collection of common STEM Outreach Evaluation Protocols and indicators of success. The project will define valid survey methods and measurable outcomes for both teachers and students involved in STEM outreach that can also be utilized, duplicated and shared in the future by any STEM outreach project. #2011Conference #STEM #ExtensionEducationEvaluation #Session844