There are great benefits to be derived from considering ongoing operational performance measurement as an important complement to the periodic evaluation function; designed to include bench-mark indicators and short-term feedback linked to long-term program success. Such predictors can be regarded as lead indicators: if the problems they identify are left untreated, there will be a longer-term cumulative effect by the time the program is evaluated. Such lead indicators can be updated annually and form data input on a cumulative basis to a program's evaluation. Henceforth, neither evaluation nor performance measurement would be considered separately. Rather, they would function as an integrated whole. Benefits involved would include: - Annual feedback from lead indicators would serve as an early warning system; - More robust management accountability systems, based on timely assessment of performance; - Findings from the in-depth evaluation would provide a feedback loop to fine-tune the ongoing operational performance lead indicators. #GovernmentEvaluation #performancemeasurement #2011Conference