It is unethical to provide a social service without evaluating its effectiveness, and yet agencies collect enormous amounts of data and do not use it for evaluation. These data can be de-identified and utilized in a 100%, naturalistic and unobtrusive evaluation, at regular intervals in real-time, thereby integrating evaluation into practice and enabling practice decisions to be informed by evidence. This is part of the realist evaluation paradigm, examining patterns in the data among demographics, intervention, and outcomes, to investigate what works, for whom and in what contexts. The anonymity of service users is protected and at the same time there is greater accountability from the agency. The value of evaluation is helping to develop more effective social services and providing evidence of their effectiveness on demand. This evaluation is done in partnership with stakeholders (e.g., analyzing their own data with them), enhancing the valuing of evaluation in society. Sponsored by the Human Services Evaluation TIG , the Social Work TIG, and the Presidential Strand Mansoor Kazi, State University of New York, Buffalo, #SocialWork #HumanServicesEvaluation #Kazi556AEA2011