There is paucity of detailed information in the literature on how to develop procedures for estimating content validity (logical validity) to increase the trustworthiness of assessment instruments. This article presents three unique examples, interpretation, and application of tables of specifications (ToS) for estimating content validity. To have an acceptable estimate of content validity the ToS must also have estimates of reliability. The procedures presented -Lawshe’s (1975) Content Validity Ratio and Content Validity Index, and expert agreement estimates procedures- would enhance both. The development and the logic of the ToS requires presenting evidence that has transparency and creates trustworthiness in the validity estimates by maintaining an audit trail and through the use of triangulation, expert debriefing, and peer review. An argument is presented that content validity requires a mixed methods approach since data are developed through both qualitative and quantitative methods that inform each other. This process is iterative and provides feedback on the effectiveness of the ToS through a process of determining consensus. To contact the authors, please email Fernanda Pineda, -------- #Mixed-Methods #MixedMethodsEvaluation #2011Conference #HowTo #contentvalidty #AssessmentinHigherEducation #Instruments #EvaluationUse #TableofSpecifications #Assessment #instrumentdevelopment