American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth are at substantial risk for unplanned pregnancy and acquiring STDs and HIV. Compared to U.S. youth of all race/ethnicities, AI/AN youth are more likely to have ever had sex and to have had four or more lifetime sex partners. Very few culturally-appropriate and rigorously evaluated sexual risk-reduction programs focused on prevention of unwanted pregnancy and STI/HIV infection exist for Native youth. Native STAND is a novel adolescent comprehensive sexual health curriculum adapted from STAND (Students Together Against Negative Decisions), a program developed for rural youth with demonstrated success. The development and implementation of the pilot program involved inclusion of AI/AN culture and values to maintain cultural relevance. Native STAND was developed by a workgroup that consisted of AI/AN youth and elders, topic experts, and evaluation experts. This presentation will discuss the adaptation process, pilot implementation issues, and lessons learned during the development of Native STAND.#DiversityandInclusion #2011Conference #IndigenousPeoplesinEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval