Like a still photograph, except the truly historical or special personal ones, evaluations often capture moments in time. One day or one administration later the evaluation is all but forgotten. Like the still photograph, the evaluation may become a distant memory for program staff, funders, and stakeholders unless the evaluation truly captures the "spirit" and "likeness" of the program. In this keynote address, David Bernstein, the self-titled "Chair Emeritus" and founding chair of the Government Evaluation TIG, will reflect on methods to make evaluations more useful and long-lasting for research sponsors and stakeholders. David is a Senior Study Director with Westat, an employee-owned research company in Rockville, Maryland. During his 28 year career in program evaluation, David has planned and conducted research, evaluation, and performance measurement for the Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools, Montgomery County Government, the American Red Cross, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. #MichaelQuinnPatton #EvaluationPolicy #EvaluationUse #2011Conference #USPaperworkReductionAct #GovernmentEvaluation