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Eval11 Session 222: Theories About Theories: How Phenomenological Analysis Contributes to Evaluation of Public Health Initiatives Through Communications Research 

11-06-2011 10:04

Communications research is important for public health initiatives, as we need to understand the perspectives of those we serve. Phenomenological analysis (PA) is a method for identifying the essential structure of human experience with respect to a particular point of interest, such as second hand smoke or obesity, through empirical investigation of: 1) what people recognize as real; 2) what matters to them (value); and 3) how those contribute to choices. This allows us to make sense of the ways in which others make sense of the world around them. Whether we hope to deliver services in ways that 'fit' our audience or need to change their perspectives to facilitate changes in behavior, PA helps us determine whether our objectives are aligned with our challenges. In this way, PA contributes not only to the success of public health initiatives, but also to their evaluation.

#QualitativeMethods #MixedMethodsEvaluation #HealthEvaluation #Phenomenology #2011Conference

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