The case of the Galveston Independent School District's recovery after Hurricane Ike was reviewed in this AEA 2011 presentation to investigate the local evaluation as a starting point for an evidence base giving voice to the school administrators, teachers, students and families who are the intended beneficiaries of a National Disaster Recovery Framework whose development and implementation is urged by the National Commission on Children and Disasters. ABSTRACT: The McKinney-Vento Act's Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) is federal policy for assisting Local Education Agencies (LEA) in the United States to meet the immediate and longer-term educational needs of students in the aftermath of disaster. Literature reviews indicate, however, little is known about specific services individual children receive through the everyday ECHY programs or the temporary disaster assistance initiatives nor how the services are related to academic outcomes. In this paper we review the case of one LEA recovering after Hurricane Ike to investigate the local evaluation as a starting point for an evidence base giving voice to the school administrators, teachers, students and families who are the intended beneficiaries of a National Disaster Recovery Framework whose development and implementation is urged by the National Commission on Children and Disasters. #EvaluationUse #2011Conference #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #DisasterandEmergencyManagementEvaluation