In 2010, the SERVE Center at UNCG served as an external statewide evaluator for the Supplemental Educational Services (SES) program which falls under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The SES program provides free-of-cost academic assistance for eligible students, over and above regular school hours. This external evaluation examined the performance of the statewide SES providers on the basis of: (1) student attendance, (2) parental satisfaction, and (3) academic achievement of participating students. In 2011, SERVE was contracted to conduct the external evaluation for statewide SES programming for a second year. As such, SERVE implemented strategic changes in the evaluation process which were a direct result of challenges encountered in year one of the evaluation. This proposal provides an overview of the lessons learned and highlights the changes that were incorporated into the 2011 evaluation. #SES #SupplementalEducationalServices #2011Conference