This meta-analysis examines the effects of Psychological Debriefing on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and related symptoms reported by First Responders (e.g., firefighters, police, and emergency medical technicians). Psychological Debriefings are meetings held to help ameliorate emotional consequences soon after events that may be traumatic. Psychological Debriefing is endemic in the First Responder culture; however research on its effects is mixed. Preliminary analysis shows no measurable effect of Psychological Debriefing on subsequent measures of PTSD and related symptoms. To date there is no other meta-analysis on Psychological Debriefing that limits the subject pool to First Responders. This meta-analysis highlights gaps in the literature about Psychological Debriefing and its effects on First Responders: lack of demographic data, debriefing protocols, and shortcomings in research design (no randomized trials and unreported data on the comparability of treatment and control groups). Further investigation regarding the efficacy of psychological debriefing for First Responders is warranted. #DisasterandEmergencyManagementEvaluation #2010Conference