Presenter(s): Ed McLain, University of Alaska, Anchorage, Susan Tucker, Evaluation & Development Associates,
Abstract: Building the capacity of school-based "data teams" to use improvement-oriented evaluation methodologies across diverse contexts, while exhorted by funding agencies, is rarely evaluated. The presenters have been engaged in capacity building since 2004-05 in collaboration with a USDE-funded Teacher Quality Enhancement (TQE) grant. Grounded in the context of nine Alaskan high-need urban and rural districts experiencing a crisis in attracting (and holding) quality teachers, this session will focus on demonstrating methods for institutionalizing an infrastructure for sustainable data teaming and evaluation use. Participants will gain a clearer understanding of the indicators of successful data use development and partnering between a university and project schools. The session will begin with an overview of the past six years experience with data teaming, and address emerging findings & challenges in relationship to the three points posed under the “Relevance” section. Finally, we present and discuss a data-teaming template with rubrics.