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Eval10 Session 395: Process Lessons from Capital Projects: $13 Billion and Counting 

12-10-2010 14:46

This document was presented by Kate Rohrbaugh at Evaluation 2010, Session 395 titled "Process Lessons from Applied Research and Evaluation from Capital Projects", and sponsored by the Business and Industry TIG. Abstract: Capital projects in industry are projects that require the investment of significant capital to maintain or improve a capital asset. In this demonstration, the presenter will provide an overview on the practices that are considered adequate planning in the world of capital projects and identify the parallels (of which there are many) for applied research and evaluation. These parallels were identified during the development of a research work process intended to improve and maintain the intellectual assets of Independent Project Analysis (IPA), a management consulting firm in Virginia that offers evaluation services and conferences for companies in the process industries. During this demonstration, the audience will become familiar with the practices and the phases of capital projects and how they apply to research and evaluation. Additionally, the presenter will identify areas of divergence and share implementation challenges.

#evaluation #Process #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance #2010Conference

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