“Collaboration” is a ubiquitous, yet misunderstood, under-empiricized and un-operationalized construct. Program and organizational stakeholders looking to do and be collaborative struggle to identify, practice and evaluate collaboration with efficacy. This workshop will demonstrate how the principles of collaboration theory can be used to inform evaluation practice.
You will have the opportunity to increase your capacity to quantitatively and qualitatively examine the development of inter-organizational, intra-organizational and inter-professional collaboration. Together, we will examine assessment strategies and specific tools for data collection, analysis and reporting. We will practice collaboration assessment techniques currently in use in the evaluation of local, state, and federal education, health and human service agencies. Highlighted programs include those sponsored by the CDC Office of Smoking and Health, the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors, and the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative.
You will learn:
Rebecca Woodland (last name formerly Gajda) has facilitated workshops and courses for adult learners for more than 10 years and is on the faculty at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst. She is an editorial board member of the American Journal of Evaluation. Her most recent publication on the topic of organizational collaboration is found in the International Journal of Public Administration, which was the journal’s most read article of 2009. Woodland notes, “I love creating learning opportunities in which all participants learn, find the material useful, and have fun at the same time.”
#2010Conference #Collaboration #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #organizational