This Ignite talk shares an example of the integration of program design and evaluation by a non-profit to reach an underserved population of fishing families in New England. The design of evaluation tools and integration of data into practice is also innovative and challenging, with implications...
biesecker AEA Ignite 2016 with narrative in notes.pptx
See our Ignite presentation on our evaluation of the PAC-Involved project. Recognized as an Exemplary Evaluation at the 2015 American Evaluation Association conference. #2015Conference #Ignite #STEMEducationandTraining
You can see the [PlanB] (pdf file) as well in this Library. #childwelfare #Ignite #ImpactEvaluation #Evaluationpractice #evaluationmethods #parentalinvolvement #accountabilty #2015Conference #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #GovernmentEvaluation #indicators ...
Panel slides from a discussion of advocacy for the use of randomized controlled trials to determine federal program effectiveness since early in the Bush Administration through the present day. The presenter discusses the extent to which such advocacy has become bipartisan, as well as some...
Panel Slides - Rushing to Randomize.pdf
I shared why I love being an internal evaluator at a community-based non-profit organization in Washington, D.C. #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #InternalEvaluation #Ignite #Youth #2012Conference #LatinAmericanYouthCenter ...
This Ignite presentation highlighted how I built relationships with two AEA affiliates, the Eastern Evaluation Research Society and the Washington Evaluators, by volunteering over the past two years. After sharing examples of my responsibilities each affiliate, I shared the top 10 ways that...
Ignite presentation on Special Olympics Healthy Communities from Evaluation 2013 #Ignite #HealthEvaluation #2013Conference #DisabilitiesandOtherVulnerablePopulations
AEA 2013 Healthy Communities Ignite_AmyShellard_FINAL.pptx
This Ignite presentation explains how Oxfam America's Policy and Campaigns department monitors, evaluates and learns from campaign spikes. Spikes are short term high-profile public facing work within an advocacy initiative or campaign targeting a particular policy win. Using the example of Oxfam...
Rebecca Perlmutter AEA Ignite Presentation_Final_10.9.13.pptx
In his bestselling book, A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink argues that left-brain analytical skills are no longer sufficient to thrive professionally (in the developed world). Instead, we need more from our right-brain, our creative, empathetic, big picture side. Why? Abundance, automation, and...
The Evaluator and the Right Brain.pdf