#2014Conference #InternalEvaluation #CrimeandJustice #Ruleoflaw #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign
AEA RoL presentation (16 Oct 2014).pptx
This poster presents the results of an evaluation of a program which aimed to foster positive relationships between police officers and youth in Connecticut. Eleven programs were funded in Year One, with an equal number in Year Two. Funded communities designed programs that included local police...
Evaluating A Police and Youth Progam.pdf
There is limited data in child protection interventions in developing countries, especially within law enforcement agencies. We evaluated a child protection program aiming at establishing child protection (CP) units and equipping the Police force with skills to protect children who need support...
Evaluation With Law Enforcement Agencies in Tanzania- Final.pptx
This paper was presented at AEA 2012, and compared the state-level evaluations in RI and Texas for a national project dealing with jail diversion and trauma recovery with a priority for military veterans. Authors are John Stevenson and Stacey Manser. Paper Abstract: This paper examines how...
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Integrating Realist Evaluation Strategies to Achieve 100% Evaluation of all Education,Social Work, Health, Youth Justice and Other Human Services: Example of Chautauqua County, NY and Moray Council, Scotland. Abstract: This demonstration will illustrate how realist evaluation strategies can be...
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Abstract - Evaluation practice is in its infancy in South African Social Work Service delivery. Evaluation requirements in research briefs from this context remain weak in detail and lack clear specification. The authors conducted an evaluation research project that would be the first step in...
Enhancing Evaluation Quality in a Developing Context.pdf