AEA 2015 Conference Presentation (Session 2036) by Volunteers of America Los Angeles #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #InternalEvaluation #VOALA #HumanServicesEvaluation #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #2015Conference #2015AEAConference
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These materials are from the Evaluation 2015 session. How can I build stakeholder interest in funder-mandated evaluations of a complex, multi-site program? During this session, participants will explore this question using the Community HealthCorps AmeriCorps program as an example. Community...
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#MixedMethodsEvaluation #HealthEvaluation #HumanServicesEvaluation #publishing #EvaluationManagersandSupervisors #writing #InternalEvaluation
AEA_Bazant Poster.pdf
CIFF seeks a researcher to conduct a learning review of a diarrhea treatment program that the Micronutrient Initiative and the Government of Bihar conducted from 2010-2015. Please see TOR and annexes for more information. Contact Ms. Shilpa Chawla ( with any questions. ...
Power point presentation given at the AEA 2014 Conference in Denver, Colorado, on October 17, 2014. A fundamental need of programs that utilize a standard curriculum is to assess whether or not the curriculum is delivered with fidelity to the intended model. Informed by implementation science,...
Developing a Curriculum Implementation Assessment to Examine Model Fidelity_10-17-2014.pdf
PDF of PowerPoint presentation entitled "Text Message Evaluations: A Strategy for Obtaining Real-Time Data from Hard-to-Reach Audiences" given at 2014 Annual Conference by Nicole Finkbeiner. #HumanServicesEvaluation #2014Conference #ExtensionEducationEvaluation
Power point slides from the "What’s Next: How to Deal with Less Than Stellar Findings" presentation. #TheoriesofEvaluation #TeachingofEvaluation #2014Conference #EvaluationUse #HumanServicesEvaluation
AEA 2014_Whats Next_10.17.2014.pdf
Power Point slides from my session at 2014 conference #HealthEvaluation #2014Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #GovernmentEvaluation #HumanServicesEvaluation #programsustainability #HowTo #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation
Program Sustainability - Slides from MA Scheirer.pptx
Multipaper session presented at AEA 2013 #EvaluationUse #2013Conference #HumanServicesEvaluation
Session 127 Collaborative Approach to Maintaining Program Fidelity.pdf
Multipaper Session presented at AEA 2013 #2013Conference #evidencebasedprograms #HealthEvaluation #HumanServicesEvaluation
Session 970 Building the Evidence Base for TPP.pdf