Poster presented at the 2016 annual conference #2016Conference #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #Mixed-Methods #formativeassessment #Eval16
#Design #2016Conference #Pilots
#RubricsMethodology #EvaluationandProgramDesign #2016Conference #Rubrics
Apresentacao_Geracao_Movimento_ALTERACOES MM..pdf
This guide accompanied the demonstration session “Nonprofit? No money? No worries, interactive reporting and data viz is still possible!” presented at the 2016 AEA annual conference. Included: A menu of low-cost/no-cost data viz tools; a review of their pricing plans; a look at their best...
International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) that work in many countries and sectors are challenged to measure their results at an agency level. One approach that has been taken by many INGOs is to establish agency-level measurement systems, often based on quantitative indicators, which...
Presentation AEA_ALM_Oct 28.AEALibrary.pptx
This presentation from AEA 2016: Evaluation + Design explores the interplay between evaluation and design within the context of a South African financial literacy program. The monitoring and evaluation team was involved right from the beginning and so the design of the program informed the way...
Bibliometrics, a quantitative evaluation of publication and citation data, is one type of indicator of productivity, influence, collaboration, and reach of scientific programs. Using research publications from programs funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund, this...
AEA 2016 Bibliometrics Poster.pdf
AEA 2016 session Building Evaluation Capacity for Prescription Opioid Overdose Prevention: Lessons From a Multi-state Initiative #2016Conference #Eval16
AEA 2016 building eval capacity.pptx
Organizations conducting evaluation are in a better position to learn about their work and make data-informed decisions if they first understand their own capacity to evaluate. Informing Change developed the Evaluation Capacity Diagnostic Tool to both right-size an evaluation design as well as...
2 attachments
In this handout, we outline some of the different types of collaborative initiatives, an example for each and accompanying challenges and discussion questions for each. #2016Conference #Eval16
Designing Evaluations for Collaboratives - Handout.pdf