A joint presentation by Jindra Cekan PhD, Beatrice Lorge Rogers PhD, Patricia Rogers PhD, and Laurie Zivetz. PhD Despite the increasing focus on impact evaluation, especially in international development, evaluations rarely look at the longer-term impact of evaluations but report on the...
Power Point slides from my session at 2014 conference #HealthEvaluation #2014Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #GovernmentEvaluation #HumanServicesEvaluation #programsustainability #HowTo #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation
Program Sustainability - Slides from MA Scheirer.pptx
The lack of ex-post (post-project) evaluation speaks to both the inflexibility and lack of transparency of international aid, but also that not knowing the long-term ability of communities to sustain the outcomes or self-sustain the activities themselves limits successful future programming. We...
This plenary speech from the 2013 Summer Institute addresses how evaluation can support the public good and a sustainable world through attention to people, planet, and profit (the triple bottom line). #sustainability #2013Institute #EnvironmentalProgramEvaluation #SystemsinEvaluation
2 attachments
This is one of three presentations from the panel entitled "Should environmental and social sustainability be a core value of AEA?" at the AEA 2011 conference. It builds on the concept of the triple bottom line (people, profit, and planet) increasingly being used in business. ...
Traditional economic evaluation asks whether a program or practice is cost-beneficial, i.e., whether the monetary value of its outcomes exceeds the monetary value of resources consumed to produce those outcomes. A program with a net positive benefit can be judged sustainable, however, only if...
Sustainability and Economic Evaluation3.pdf
Presentation made by Hubert Paulmer at the AEA 2009 Conference, Orlando FL on November 12, 2009, #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #organizational #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #sustainability ...
AEA 2009 Presentation-Nov12 - Hubert Paulmer.pdf