Custom and norms reflect what we value. This presentations provides an international comparison of evaluation ethical challenges identified by evaluation communities in Canada, United States and Australia. While the dialogue around evaluation ethical challenges has been quieter in Canada, the...
AEA conference Evaluation Ethics Nov 5 2011 v62.pdf
AEA Conference in Washington, DC 2013 Presentation by: Nancy Peek, Research Associate Global Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Project #ClimateChange #LessonsLearned #GlobalClimateChange #surveydesign #2013Conference
GCCME AEA- Municipal Climate Change Strategies Survey Design - Nancy Peek dTS 2013 10 30.ppt
Furthermore, we may inadvertently ask questions about gender in ways that marginalize transgender people, making them invisible to researchers and service providers. This skill-building workshop provided best practices for assessing sexual orientation and gender identity in youth and adult populations. Cutting-edge research on item development was shared, giving participants concrete ways to ask questions, and ways to make their evaluations more inclusive of sexual minorities
Dont Ask Cant Report for AEA12 Final Public.pptx
This document is part of a series of Tipsheets that contain practical evaluation illustrations based on current research and developed by Nancy Ellen Kiernan at Penn State Cooperative Extension
Tipsheet 34.pdf
Tipsheet 12.pdf
Tipsheet 1.pdf
Tipsheet 57.pdf
Tipsheet 74.pdf
Tipsheet 60.pdf
Tipsheet 81.pdf